Under this Section, parties with standing may seek reconsideration of a final decision rendered pursuant to a Type II, III, or IV process. Reconsideration is warranted where the City's decision indicates that the decision maker failed to understand or consider certain relevant facts or misinterpreted the application or legal standards in some material way. Any request for reconsideration must be received by the City within ten (10) days of when the decision in question was rendered and must specifically describe the alleged misunderstanding or misinterpretation. A request for reconsideration shall not stay the effectiveness of the City's final decision, nor shall it affect any applicable appeal deadlines to LUBA. If the request is granted, the City Administrator shall notify all affected parties that the decision will be reconsidered. If the reconsideration is based upon new evidence or information, all parties with standing shall have the opportunity to review and comment on the new evidence or information. Any request for reconsideration by the applicant shall be deemed a waiver of the one hundred twenty (120) day deadline under subsection 10-14-5C of this Chapter. The City's decision on a request for reconsideration is not a land use decision and is not appealable. (Ord. 688, 6-15-1999)