A.   No owner or person in charge of property shall permit trees or shrubs on their property to interfere with street or sidewalk traffic or with overhead utility lines.
   B.   It shall be the duty of an owner or person in charge of property abutting the right of way of an open public street or a sidewalk to:
      1.   Keep all trees and shrubs on the premises trimmed so that any overhanging portions are at least eight feet (8') above the sidewalk, or at least fourteen feet (14') above the vehicular travel surface;
      2.   Keep tree limbs from blocking stop signs, street signs or other signs;
      3.   Keep shrubs from growing out over the sidewalk or curb; and
      4.   Keep all vegetation cleared from the sight triangle required at intersections on corner lots as specified in the Umatilla zoning ordinance.
   C.   Removal of vegetation that may cause interference with overhead utility lines shall be supervised by qualified personnel.
   D.   It shall be the duty of an owner or person in charge of property that abuts upon a public right of way to contact the city manager and follow the city's instructions prior to trimming or removal of any tree in the right of way adjacent to that property. (Ord. 778, 9-4-2012)