Persons or organizations conducting a yard sale must comply with the following:
   A.   No person or organization may hold more than four (4) yard sales in a calendar year.
   B.   Yard sales may only be held between the hours of eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. and seven o'clock (7:00) P.M. on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and on Monday holidays.
   C.   All personal property for sale, displays and display tables must not be left outside at night.
   D.   All personal property for sale, displays and display tables must be contained on private property.
   E.   Any signs advertising the yard sale must be in compliance with the city's sign code.
   F.   Any signs advertising the yard sale must not be placed in the public right of way or attached to power poles, lampposts or public signs.
   G.   Any signs advertising the yard sale must be retrieved immediately after the yard sale ends.
   H.   Yard sales may not be conducted by an ongoing business or commercial enterprise. (Ord. 740, 12-6-2005)