Any or all of the following conditions shall constitute a declared nuisance:
   A.   Deleterious or noxious weeds.
   B.   Wrecked or inoperable vehicles. It shall be unlawful for any owner of property, a manager, an agent, or an occupant to permit inoperable or abandoned vehicles or junk to accumulate or remain on or about the premises owned by or under the control of such person whenever said items shall be unsightly and in public view, or dangerous to the health, safety, and welfare of the people of Uintah City. Every owner of property, manager, agent, or occupant shall remove or provide for the removal of inoperable or abandoned vehicles and junk before the same become objectionable, unsanitary, or dangerous. This shall not apply to items which are clearly accessory and incidental to any agricultural use permitted in the zone, or to items completely and lawfully enclosed within a building or enclosure where it is not visible from a public or private way or other public or private property and which does not constitute a nuisance, endanger or adversely affect the health or welfare of the community, or the keeping of which does not violate any other law or ordinance.
   C.   Refuse, debris, garbage, or junk.
   D.   Deleterious objects or structures.
   E.   Any source of contamination or pollution of water, air, or property as determined by the county health or state environmental departments.
   F.   Any condition which constitutes a fire hazard, a danger to health, or is a breeding place or habitation for insects or rodents or other forms of life deleterious to human or animal health or habitations.
   G.   Accumulations of snow on sidewalks.
   H.   Depositing of snow or other materials on city streets.
   I.   Anything which unreasonably, or unlawfully interferes with, obstructs, or tends to obstruct, or renders dangerous for passage, any public or private street, highway, sidewalk, stream, ditch or drainage way.
   J.   Any obstruction in the sight triangle area on corner lots except as allowed in the zoning ordinances.
   K.   Any tree or shrub which overhangs or projects into any street, sidewalk, parking strip or other city property and appears to be dead or liable to fall into any such city property, or which constitutes an obstruction to vision or travel on any city sidewalk, property, or street.
   L.   Any building or structure set up, erected, constructed, altered, enlarged, converted, moved, or maintained contrary to the building codes or zoning ordinances of the city, or any use of land, buildings or premises in violation of titles 9 (land use regulation) and 10 (subdivisions) of this code.
   M.   Any building or structure which is unfit for human habitation as determined by the health department, or which is an unreasonable hazard to the health of people residing in the vicinity thereof, as determined by the health department, or which presents an unreasonable fire hazard in the vicinity where it is located, as determined by the fire and rescue department.
   N.   Noxious or unreasonable odors, fumes, gas, smoke, soot or cinders, as determined by the state environmental department or the City.
   O.   Any excessive accumulation of manure, droppings or other waste in any stable, stall, corral, yard or place in which any animal shall be kept.
   P.   Having or permitting on any premises any fly or mosquito producing condition.
   Q.   Failing to maintain proper premises identification.
   R.   Any condition declared a nuisance under the authority of any other portion of the ordinances of the city or the laws of the state. (Ord. 243-18, 3-20-2018; amd. Ord. 274-23, 1-17-2023)