A.   Procedure For Resubdivision: For any change in a map of an approved or recorded subdivision plat, if such change affects any street layout shown on such map, area reserved thereon for public use, or any lot line, or if it affects any map or plan legally reached prior to the adoption of any regulations controlling subdivision, such parcel shall be approved by the planning commission and city council by the same procedure, rules and regulations as for a subdivision.
   B.   Procedure For Subdivisions Where Future Resubdivision Is Indicated: Whenever a parcel of land is laid out and platted and the subdivision plat shows one or more lots containing more than one acre of land and there are indications that such lots will eventually be laid out and platted into lots of smaller size, as permitted in the zone for that area sites, the planning commission may require that such parcel of land allow for the future opening of streets and the ultimate extension of adjacent streets. Easements providing for the future opening and extensions of such streets may be made a requirement of the plat. (Ord. 154-01, 12-4-2001)