A.   Subdivider:
      1.   The subdivider shall prepare subdivision plats consistent with the standards contained herein and shall pay for the design and inspection of the public improvements required. The city shall process the plat in accordance with the regulations set forth herein.
      2.   The subdivider shall not alter the terrain or remove any vegetation from the proposed subdivision site or engage in any site development until he or she has obtained the necessary approval as outlined herein, and the final plat is recorded in the county recorder's office.
      3.   The subdivider is responsible for the distribution of proposed subdivision plats to improvement districts, special districts, utility companies and other private and public entities for their information and comment, as directed by the city. The subdivider shall be responsible to ensure that written notices from each improvement district, special service district, gas company, power company, phone company, cable company, water district, irrigation company and health department, etc., are forwarded to the city in a timely manner affirming that proposed subdivision plats have been received and reviewed by each of the above required agencies.
   B.   City:
      1.   The city engineer and public works department shall make comments as to engineering requirements for street widths, grades, alignments and flood control, whether the proposed public improvements are consistent with this title, the city standards and other applicable ordinances, and for the inspection and approval of all construction of public improvements. Street layout and overall circulation shall be coordinated with the public works department and the city engineer.
      2.   The planning commission shall act as an advisory agency to the city council. It is charged with making investigations, reports and recommendations on proposed subdivisions as to their conformance to the general plan and zoning title, and other pertinent documents. The planning commission shall recommend approval, approval with conditions or disapproval of the proposed subdivision plat to the city council.
      3.   The city attorney shall approve the form of the final plat, that it is correct and acceptable, and that the subdivider dedicating land for use by the public is the owner of record, and that the land is free and clear of unacceptable encumbrances according to the title report, which shall be submitted by the subdivider.
      4.   The city council has final jurisdiction in the approval of subdivision plats, the establishment of requirements for and design standards of public improvements, and the acceptance of lands and public improvements that may be proposed for dedication.
      5.   The city will take plats to the county for recording, only after all payments and fees are paid and all the required signatures and requirements are complete and accounted for. (Ord. 154-01, 12-4-2001)