A.   Prohibitions:
      1.   The department will not furnish service from the system to any person residing outside the city corporate limits.
      2.   The department will not furnish service from the system to customers inside the city corporate limits for use outside the city corporate limits.
   B.   Exception For Existing Customers; Conditions: Customers outside the city corporate limits who are receiving water service from the system on the effective date hereof may continue to receive water service from the department, under the following conditions:
      1.   The customers may continue to use the water service only for the purposes for which they used the water service on the effective date hereof. The customers may not change the use; and
      2.   The use may not be substantially increased. For purposes of this subsection, a substantial increase shall be an increase of more than ten percent (10%) in water usage.
   C.   Violation: A violation of subsection B of this section shall be cause for terminating the customer's water service. (Ord. 168-03, 11-11-2003)