A.   Statement: The city shall mail to each customer a printed statement stating the amount of utility charges assessed for the month, including any past due fees. The statement shall also state that the bill is due in full on the last day of the month in which the bill is sent.
   B.   When Delinquent: If any customer fails to pay the bill in full by five o'clock (5:00) P.M. on the day upon which the bill is due, the department shall assess a penalty for late payment and shall state the amount of the penalty and the total amount now due on the next bill.
   C.   Second And Final Notice: If any customer fails to pay the bill in full by five o'clock (5:00) P.M. sixty (60) days after the bill is due, the department shall mail the customer a written "second and final notice". The second and final notice shall state that the department has assessed a penalty for late payment and shall state the amount of the penalty and the total amount now due. The second and final notice shall also state the date upon which the water service will be shut off unless the customer pays the amount due in full. This date shall be no less than five (5) nor more than thirty (30) days from the date of the second and final notice.
   D.   Courtesy Notice: After the second and final notice, the department will not send any further notices. However, prior to the shutoff date, the city may, but shall not be required to, deliver a courtesy door hanger.
   E.   Shut Off Of Water; Fee: If the customer has not paid the amount due by six o'clock (6:00) P.M. on the shutoff date, water service will be shut off and a shutoff fee will be assessed. The shutoff fee will be assessed at five o'clock (5:00) P.M. on the shutoff date, regardless of whether the water is actually shut off.
   F.   Payment Required Prior To Water Turned Back On: If water is shut off under this section for nonpayment, water will not be turned back on until the customer has paid all charges in full, including late fees and shutoff fees.
   G.   Extensions: The superintendent or his/her designee may grant a onetime extension of the shut off of water if the customer contacts the superintendent or his/her designee prior to five o'clock (5:00) P.M. on the shutoff date. The superintendent or his/her designee shall not grant any extension greater than thirty (30) days. Customers who need a second extension or an extension greater than thirty (30) days, must apply to the mayor and must sign a written agreement establishing a payment schedule for the unpaid fees. The superintendent, his/her designee or the mayor may grant extensions only upon good cause.
   H.   New Application May Be Required: Customers whose water service is shut off under this section may be required to file a new application before water service will be restored.
   I.   Enforcement: The superintendent is hereby authorized to enforce the payment of utility charges by an action at law in the name of the city.
   J.   Cumulative Remedies: The remedies described in this section shall be deemed cumulative and independent. Nothing herein shall be deemed to require the department to use any collection method before resorting to alternative collection methods or to prevent the department from pursuing more than one collection method at a time; provided, that the department may not collect any unpaid fee more than once.
   K.   Recovery Of Collection Costs: In any action to collect unpaid fees under this chapter, the city shall be entitled to recover its costs of collection, including attorney fees. (Ord. 168-03, 11-11-2003)