On the same premises with every building or structure or part thereof, erected and occupied for commerce, industry, public assembly, or other uses involving the receipt or distribution by vehicles of materials or merchandise, there shall be provided and permanently maintained adequate space for standing, loading and unloading services in order to avoid undue interference with public use of the streets or alleys in conformance to the following:
   (a)   General Provisions.
      (1)   Screening: Off street loading spaces that adjoin or are across a street or alley from property zoned for residential use, shall have a dense evergreen planting, fence, masonry wall or such other screening, as may be determined by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall also determine the height, location and density of screening used to provide adequate protection to adjoining property.
      (2)   Entrances and Exits:   Off street loading spaces shall be provided with entrances and exits not less than twelve (12) feet in width and so located as to minimize traffic congestion.
      (3)   Dimensions:   Each off street loading space shall be not less than ten (10) feet in width, twenty-five (25) feet in length and fifteen (15) feet in height, exclusive of access drives.
      (4)   Projections into yards: Off street loading spaces may occupy all or any part of any required rear yard space.
     (b)   Amount of Loading Space Required: The minimum amounts of off street loading space shall be provided according to the table below. An area adequate for maneuvering, ingress and egress shall be provided in addition to required loading space.
Sq. Ft of Gross Floor Area
Required # of Spaces
Up to 10,000
10,000 to 20,000
20,001 to 40,000
40,001 to 75,000
75,001 to 125,000
For each add’l 1,500
1 add’l space
   (Ord. 13-12. Passed 8-9-12.)