(A)   The commission shall conduct at least one public hearing in which interested persons shall have an opportunity to be heard. The hearing shall not consider comments on annexation and shall be limited to the proposed plan and zoning changes. (Ord. 2012, 7-6-1981)
   (B)   Notice for public hearings shall be provided as set forth in section 10-7-20 of this title. Following the commission's hearing, if the commission makes a material change from what was presented at the public hearing, further notice and hearing shall be provided before the commission forwards the proposal with its recommendations to the council. (Ord. 3091, 3-2-2015)
   (C)   The council, prior to adoption, amendment or repeal of the plan or zoning ordinance, shall conduct at least one public hearing using the same notice and hearing procedures as the commission.
Following the hearing of the council, if the council makes a material change in the plan or zone, further notice and hearing shall be provided before the council adopts the plan or zone
   (D)   Concurrently or immediately following the adoption of an ordinance of annexation, the council shall amend the planning and zoning regulations as shall be found to be necessary. (Ord. 2012, 7-6-1981)