No person in a park shall:
   (A)   Scuba Diving: Scuba dive in any designated swim area in Dierkes Lake.
   (B)   Golf: Golfing or hitting golf balls is prohibited except where specific facilities have been provided.
   (C)   Boating:
      1.   Designated Areas: Bring into or operate any boat, raft or other watercraft, whether motor powered or not, upon any waters, except at places designated for boating by the director. Such activity shall be in accordance with applicable regulations as are now or may hereafter be adopted.
   (D)   Hunting And Firearms: Hunt, trap or pursue wildlife at any time. No person shall use, carry or possess loaded firearms of any descriptions, or air rifles, spring guns, bow and arrows, slings or any other form of weapons potentially inimical to wildlife and dangerous to human safety, or any instrument that can be loaded with and fire blank cartridges, or any kind of trapping device provided that it shall be lawful for police officers or other duly authorized officers while on duty to use and carry firearms. It is also provided for authorized licensed animal control officer to hunt or trap in any park area. Provided further that this provision does not apply to lawful use, possession and transportation of firearms on designated firing ranges. Shooting into park areas from beyond park boundaries is forbidden.
   (E)   Picnic Areas And Use:
      1.   Regulated: Attendants shall have the authority to regulate the activities in such areas when necessary to prevent congestion and to secure the maximum use for the comfort and convenience of all. Visitors shall comply with any directions given to achieve this end.
      2.   Gatherings: Conduct or be a part of any large group, meeting, assembly or audience consisting of fifty (50) or more persons without permission of the director.
      3.   Duty Of Picnicker: Leave a picnic area before the fire is completely extinguished and before all trash in the nature of boxes, papers, cans, bottles, garbage and other refuse is placed in the disposal receptacles where provided. If no such trash receptacles are available, then refuse and trash shall be carried away from the park area by the picnicker to be properly disposed of elsewhere.
   (F)   Camping: Camp without prior permission of the director. Permission shall be limited to organized groups who will be given a designated area for camping.
   (G)   Games: Take part in or abet the playing of any games involving thrown or otherwise propelled objects such as balls, stones, arrows, javelins or model airplanes except in areas set apart for such forms of recreation.
   (H)   Horses: Have a horse in any designated park or park area without written permission of the director.
   (I)   Keg Beer: Possess or use keg beer without a permit issued pursuant to section 3-7-12 of this code.
   (J)   Fishing: Fish in any waters, whether by the use of a hook and line net, trap, or other device, except in water designated for that use and must follow the Idaho fish and game regulations.
   (K)   Hot Air Balloons: Launch, land, or tether a hot air balloon except with written permission from the director. (Ord. 2735, 9-16-2002)