(A)   Water connection fees shall be established by resolution of the city council. The fee so established shall be sufficient to reimburse the city for all connection costs, excluding the cost of the meter. Each fee, including the system development fee, unless otherwise provided herein, shall be a fixed amount representing the average cost incurred for performing the service for which reimbursement is sought. The following fees shall be established: (Ord. 1758, 3-15-1976; amd. 1980)
      1.   General Permit: Reimbursement for processing applications for a general water permit, tapping the public water line and constructing the meter and box.
      2.   Fire Permit: Reimbursement for processing applications for a fire water permit and tapping the public water line.
      3.   Service Line: Reimbursement for constructing a water service line.
      4.   Fire Line: Reimbursement for constructing a fire line.
All owners applying for a general permit or fire permit shall pay the respective permit fee. When city forces are required, as provided herein, to construct the water service line or fire line, the owner shall also pay the respective line fee.
There shall be established fixed fees for standard size connections which are fifty feet (50') or less in length. If a larger than standard size connection is required the owner shall pay the fixed fee for the largest standard size connection plus the cost of the larger size connection to include the extra cost of any larger size meter. If a longer than fifty foot (50') service or fire line is required the owner shall pay the fee for the standard length plus the actual cost of the extra length. If any rock excavation is required the owner shall pay the cost of such excavation in addition to any other fees or charges.
   (B)   General user charges shall be established by resolution of the City Council. All charges so established shall be in proportion to the benefits derived by the user from the water service. The charges so established shall generate sufficient revenue to repay any indebtedness, to operate and maintain the water supply and distribution facilities and to build a reserve fund sufficient to pay for future capital improvements to the water system. The cost to be paid by each user shall be based on the volume of water supplied.
   (C)   Fire user charges may be established by resolution of the City Council. All users with a fire connection shall pay the fire user charge so established. Any charge so established shall be a fixed monthly charge to reimburse the general users for providing an adequate supply of water for fire protection.
   (D)   Turn-on charges shall be established by resolution of the City Council. The charge so established shall be a fixed charge to reimburse the City for turning water on and off at the meter and for processing user applications for water service. Turn-on charges shall be paid at the time a water turn-on is requested.
   (E)   The City shall install, as provided herein, a flow measuring device to measure the volume of water used. The City will read all flow measurements required to calculate the user charges.