The duties and purposes of the parks and recreation commission shall be as follows:
         (A)   To make a complete and comprehensive study of the city's needs for community recreation programs and projects for persons of all ages.
         (B)   To learn of the desires of the public as to recreation requirements, and the needs for additional parks and park facilities.
         (C)   To act in an advisory capacity and recommend to the city council as to the needs for community recreation programs and projects for persons of all ages.
         (D)   To advise the city council of the wishes of the public in regard to the public's desires as to parks and recreation requirements and the administration of a sound and comprehensive recreational program.
         (E)   To advise and to recommend to the city council types of facilities required to accomplish the purposes of a sound and comprehensive recreation program.
         (F)   To inform and educate the public on already established recreational facilities and programs, and to educate the public on the methods of bettering recreational facilities and programs.
         (G)   To solicit the support of and cooperation among the citizens and various organizations of the community in the development, construction and financing of recreation programs and facilities. (1958 Code, ch. III, art. 2)