A.   Approval: The board of county commissioners will approve a volunteer citizen advisory board, to serve at the will of the commissioners. This tree advisory board will consist of a minimum of five (5) persons possessing at least one of the following requirements:
      1.   A representative from the pest control industry.
      2.   A representative from the nursery and/or landscaping industry.
      3.   A representative from the east, west and north Twin Falls County.
         a.   Persons interested or experienced in horticulture or arboriculture will be preferred.
      4.   A representative of a civic group located in the county.
   B.   Input: In addition to the tree advisory board, input from the Twin Falls city tree commission, master gardeners and CSI horticulture department is recommended.
   C.   Term: Initially appointed representatives will be placed on two (2), three (3), and four (4) year terms. After the initial terms, each representative will then be eligible for another three (3) year appointment. When terms end, each new representative will be appointed for a period of three (3) years and may be reappointed for an additional three (3) year period by the Twin Falls County commissioners. All members serve at the pleasure of the board of Twin Falls County commissioners and may be removed by a majority vote of that body.
   D.   Duties:
      1.   To advise the county commissioners on developing and maintaining a countywide community forestry program.
      2.   To develop a community forest master plan for Twin Falls County.
      3.   To educate and promote proper tree planting, care and pruning practices.
      4.   To create or collaborate on informational brochures to educate the public on appropriate community trees and their benefits.
      5.   To represent the county in distributing tree information and speaking before the public or the commissioners on tree/community related issues.
      6.   To recruit volunteers for planting projects and promote Arbor Day activities throughout the county.
      7.   To hold regular meetings as required by the elected chairman of the tree advisory board.
      8.   To aid and advise cities within the county in obtaining and maintaining tree city USA status.
      9.   To work in collaboration with other administrative agencies, including, but not limited to, soil conservation districts, highway districts and public utilities.
   E.   Liaison: The director of parks and waterways of Twin Falls County shall serve as the liaison with the advisory board and the board of Twin Falls County commissioners and will assist in the preparation, revision and implementation of the county tree ordinance and community forestry master plan. (Ord. 197, 6-18-2007)