A.   Created: There is hereby created and established a regional commission, to be known as the Middle Snake Regional Water Resource Commission ("Commission"), to be comprised of six (6) members, consisting of two (2) members from each of the member counties. Said Commission shall act in an advisory capacity to the board of county commissioners of the member counties.
   B.   Appointment: The board of county commissioners of each member county shall submit the names of no less than two (2) nominees to represent the county on the Commission and appointment shall be subject to majority vote of the board of each member county.
   C.   Qualifications: To be eligible for appointment to a member county's seat on the Commission, a person must be a current resident of said county and may hold office only so long as such county residence is maintained. No persons deemed by the Commissioners to lack ability of making an unbiased decision with regard to water quality and quantity issues shall be eligible for membership. Input from representatives of specific industry or environment groups and organizations is best obtained through advisory committees and through the hearing process. Appointees must have a basic knowledge of water quality and quantity issues within the region, as well as an interest in serving the public. (Ord. 136, 1-29-1996)