All advisory boards shall be comprised as follows:
   A.   The board of county commissioners shall appoint and confirm the members to the advisory boards. Advisory boards shall consist of up to eleven (11) voting members. A department head selected by the commissioners as the most appropriate for each particular advisory board shall act as an ex officio, nonvoting member.
   B.   Members of each advisory board shall be selected without respect to sex, age, profession or political affiliation and shall represent a broad cross section of the county. Members should have expertise or demonstrate an interest in the improvement, development, maintenance and/or management of the particular interest of the designated board.
   C.   Initial appointments to new boards made by the board of county commissioners shall be: three (3) members for one year terms, three (3) members for two (2) year terms, and three (3) members for three (3) year terms. These initial appointments shall be considered one term. Any number of members above nine (9) shall serve a two (2) and one year term respectively.
      1.   There shall be no honorary, lifetime or advisory members of any board.
   D.   The board of county commissioners shall make all subsequent appointments for a term of three (3) years. Terms shall expire on December 31 of the expiring year.
   E.   When a member's term expires, the board of county commissioners must either reappoint the member or appoint a new member to fill the vacancy. No member may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms on one advisory board.
      1.   Members of the board of community guardians are specifically exempt from these term limits.
   F.   A member appointed to fill the position of a vacating member during a term will fulfill the remaining months of the term. This shall not constitute a term.
   G.   Members of an advisory board must reside in Twin Falls County.
      1.   Noncounty residents may serve on an advisory board and be appointed by the board of county commissioners as an ex officio, nonvoting member.
   H.   No person shall be appointed to an advisory board where a related person is employed within the county department or serves on the same board. For the purpose of this section, "related" shall mean any person related by blood or marriage within the second degree.
   I.   Members shall relinquish all voting rights upon the expiration of their terms unless reappointed to the board.
   J.   Members are not allowed to serve on multiple boards. (Ord. 215, 5-11-2009)