82-0-15 | - - | Authorizing the execution of an agreement with the Central Illinois Public Service Company for street lighting. |
2001-0-03 | 2-12-01 | Regulating encroachment on public right-of-way regarding an agreement relative to the improvement of South Line Road. |
2014-O-13 | 8-25-14 | Authorizing addendum to mutual aid box alarm system agreement. |
2014-O-15 | 10-10-14 | Authorizing execution of the IMLRMA minimum/maximum contribution agreement. |
2016-O-11 | 11-11-16 | Authorizing the execution of the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association (IMLRMA) minimum/maximum contribution agreement. |
2017-O-10 | 11-13-17 | Authorizing the execution of the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association (IMLRMA) minimum/maximum contribution agreement. |
2020-O-9 | 10-13-20 | Authorizing the execution of the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association (IMLRMA) minimum/maximum contribution agreement. |
2021-O-12 | 11-8-21 | Authorizing the execution of the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association (IMLRMA) minimum/maximum contribution agreement. |
2022-O-2 | 2-28-22 | The city agrees to reallocate to the Eastern Illinois Economic Development Authority (EIEDA) all of its 2022 private activity volume bonding cap to support projects. |
2022-O-6 | 10-11-22 | Authorizing the execution of the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association (IMLRMA) minimum/maximum contribution agreement. |
2022-O-11 | 12-27-22 | Authorizing a settlement agreement by and between the city and Daniel and Sara Escalera, and authorizing the city to take ownership of 202 South Main Street. |
2023-O-10 | 9-25-23 | Authorizing an intergovernmental agreement for participation in the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS). |
2023-O-11 | 11-13-23 | Authorizing the execution of the IMLRMA Minimum/Maximum Contribution Agreement. |