(A)   Streets shall comply with the standards and specifications set forth in these rules and regulations, the code, and by the current Illinois Highway Standards. All streets shall be graded to their full width, including side slopes, and improved in conformance with the standards given or referred to in these regulations.
   (B)   Street width. Minimum street pavement widths shall conform to the standards given herein. Where pavement widths greater than those specified herein are deemed necessary by the City Administrator and approved by the City Council, the city shall bear the extra cost of providing a greater than the minimum pavement width required by these regulations.
   (C)   Street subgrade. The subgrade shall be free of sod, vegetative or organic matter, soft clay, and other objectionable materials for a depth of at least two feet below the finished surface. The subgrade shall be properly rolled, shaped, and compacted in accordance with the IDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction in Illinois, and shall be subject to the approval of the City Administrator.
   (D)   Street base course. The subdivider has the option of using any of the following base courses, based on soil and traffic conditions: Aggregate; bituminous aggregate; asphaltic concrete; waterbound macadam; Portland cement concrete; paving brick; or equally suitable base course, subject to the prior approval of the City Engineer. Thickness shall be determined by the City Engineer, based on the physical properties of the roadbed.
   (E)   Portland cement concrete pavement. If the subdivider elects to construct streets totally of portland cement concrete or if such pavement is required by the City Administrator, a thickness of six inches for local and collector streets and eight inches for arterial, commercial, and industrial streets shall be required. The Plan Commission may require pavement of greater thickness, on the recommendation of the City Administrator, based on his evaluation of the subgrade, traffic, and wheel load conditions.
   (F)   Full-depth asphalt pavement. If streets are to be constructed of full-depth asphalt pavement in which asphalt-aggregate mixtures are used for all courses above the subgrade, careful inspection of the subgrade may be necessary to determine pavement thickness. For local streets, pavement may vary from four to six inches depending on subgrade conditions. For collector streets, pavements shall vary from five to eight inches, and for arterial and industrial streets from six to eleven inches.
   (G)   Street curbs and gutters. The requirements for curbs and gutters will vary according to the character of the area and the density of development. In areas of notable flash flooding or heavy rain run-off, curbs shall be required to channel the flow of water. Curbs shall be required on all streets designed for areas where the existing or anticipated residential density of the area surrounding the proposed subdivision equals or exceeds three dwelling units per net acre. In commercial development, or where other similar intensive urban uses exist or are anticipated, curbs shall be required. Where curbs exist on abutting properties, their extension shall be required throughout the proposed subdivision. Curbs, combined curbs, and gutters shall be constructed in conformance with the current requirements of Chapter 158.
(Ord. 81-0-19, passed 5-11-81; Am. Ord. 95-0-01, passed 3-13-95; Am. Ord. 2011-O-4, passed 3-14-11)