In accordance with ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, §§ 1-2-4 and 1-3-2 of the Illinois Municipal Code, ILCS Ch. 50, Act 220 § 2, and the 1970 Illinois Constitution, the most current editions of the following codes, regulations, specifications, or public records to the extent that they may be applied and are not inconsistent with this chapter are incorporated by reference as criteria for construction, maintenance, alteration, or design of subdivisions or public improvements under the code, as amended, and as it may hereafter be amended:
{A) "American National Standard For Roadway Lighting", approved July 11, 1972 by the American National Standards Institute and published by the Illuminating Engineering Society.
(B) "Bureau of Design and Environment Manual", Illinois Department of Transportation, Bureau of Design and Environment, as of date of passage of this chapter.
(C) "Bureau of Local Roads and Streets Manual", Illinois Department of Transportation, Bureau of Local Roads and Streets.
(D) Comprehensive Plan adopted October, 2001.
(E) "Highway Standards", Illinois Department of Transportation, Bureau of Design and Environment, as of date of passage of this chapter.
(F) "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices", Federal Highway Administration. Transportation, adopted January 1, 1977.
(G) "National Electrical Code", National Fire Protection Association, 2002 edition.
(H) "Fire Code", National Fire Protection Association, 2002 edition, or subsequent editions as may be published from time to time.
(I) "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction", Illinois Department of Transportation.
(J) "Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois", published jointly by the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers, American Consulting Engineers Council, Illinois Chapter of the American Public Works Association, Illinois Municipal League, the Associated General Contractors of Illinois.
(Ord. 81-0-19, passed 5-11-81; Am. Ord. 2011-O-4, passed 3-14-11)