(A)   The following fees shall be collected by the Electrical Inspector for work permitted under this chapter:
      (1)   Electrical Permits. New construction and new service entrance:
Single phase
Three phase
100 amp
200 amp
400 amp
600 amp
800 amp
1000 amp
1200 amp and larger
      (2)   All other wiring: $1.00 per $100.00 project cost of the first $50,000 project cost,$.025 per $100 of the remaining project cost.
         Minimum permit fee   $20.00
      (3)   When, in the opinion of the Electrical Inspector, third party review, tests, inspections, or engineering review, tests, or inspections by the City Engineer, or third party engineering firms is required to determine or verify compliance with the adopted codes of the city or state, those costs shall be paid by the recipient of the permit.
      (4)   Electrician license/ registration - $100 per year, $5,000.00 performance bond, and passage 70% of electrical exam.
   (B)   At the discretion of the Electrical Inspector, permit fees may be paid on a monthly basis. All fees for permits shall be paid monthly by the Electrical Inspector to the City Clerk who shall deposit them in the general fund of the city.
('69 Code, § 8-56) (Am. Ord. 2002-0-5, passed 5-13-02; Am. Ord. 2004-O-17, passed 8-23-04; Am. Ord. 2005-O-11, passed 5-23-05)