(A)   All generators of solid waste within the corporate limits of the city shall subscribe to and use the services of only the hauler who is under contract with the city to dispose of solid waste, and no other hauler. The only exception is if the generator engages in personal disposition of his solid waste directly to a certified sanitary landfill without benefit of any private hauling firm or any other entity who for compensation collects or disposes of solid waste, other than the city’s designated hauler, or otherwise disposes of his solid waste in a manner consistent with local, state and federal laws and regulations concerning the disposition of solid waste, or, in the alternative, verifies that he does not generate solid waste such that he needs solid waste disposal services.
   (B)   All generators of solid waste shall be billed for solid waste hauling from the solid waste hauler then under contract with the city pursuant to the fee schedule set forth in the then current solid waste contract. Any current generator who feels he is exempt from the mandate to utilize the city’s designated method of disposing of solid waste must apply for and receive an exemption from the city within 30 days from the effective date of this section; otherwise, it shall be irrebuttably presumed that the person does not have a valid exemption from the mandates of this section. Future generators of solid waste shall have 30 days from the date they initiate solid waste to apply for an exemption.
   (C)   Any generator of solid waste disposing said solid waste in a receptacle or collection route stop other than one paid for by the user, unless so consented to in writing with the solid waste hauler, shall be deemed guilty of theft of labor or services contrary to § 132.08.
(Ord. 91-0-2, passed 4-22-91; Am. Ord. 91-0-16, passed 11-25-91) Penalty, see § 136.99(A)