Any of the following acts is an offense punishable by a fine as provided for in this code, and any act enumerated in (A) or (F) below, when the damage to property exceeds $500, is a felony and shall be prosecuted under appropriate state law:
   (A)   Knowingly to damage any property of another without his consent; or
   (B)   Recklessly by means of fire or explosive to damage property of another; or
   (C)   Knowingly to start a fire on the land of another without his consent; or
   (D)   Knowingly to injure a domestic animal of another without his consent; or
   (E)   Knowingly to deposit on the land or in the building of another, without his consent, any stink bomb or any offensive smelling compound, thereby intending to interfere with the use by another of the land or building; or
   (F)   To damage any property, other than property described in ILCS Ch. 720, Act 5 § 20-1, with intent to defraud an insurer.
(ILCS Ch. 720, Act 5 § 21-1) (Am. Ord. 82-0-8, passed 3-24-82)
   (G)   To throw or deposit any glass bottles, crockery or earthenware, tacks, nails, tin cans, or other rubbish whatsoever in or upon any sidewalk, street, alley, or other public place within the city; or (‘69 Code, § 18-42)
   (H)   To cast or throw any stone or other missile from or into any public place, or at any person, or at, upon, against or into any building, premises, tree, or other property; or (‘69 Code, § 18-22)
   (I)   To walk or climb upon the top or cap of any fence or railing, or climb into any shade or ornamental tree without the consent of the owner; or (‘69 Code, § 18-22)
   (J)   To knowingly or recklessly break or damage any street lamp, city pump, well, or cistern; or (‘69 Code, § 18-23)
   (K)   To knowingly or recklessly cut, carve, peel bark, deface or injure any tree, shrub, plant, or flower in any street, park, or public ground, or damage, destroy, take or carry away any tree, shrub, plant, flower, vase or statuary in any public ground or park; or (‘69 Code, § 18-23)
   (L)   To knowingly, recklessly or negligently injure or destroy any ornamental or shade tree or boxing around the tree, or any shrub, fence railing, gate or sign upon any public grounds, sidewalks or private premises, or (‘69 Code § 18-21)
   (M)   To knowingly or recklessly cut, mark, carve, deface, injure or damage any pavilion or building in any park or public ground or belonging to the city, or any church or schoolhouse or any fence surrounding a church, schoolgrounds, park or public grounds; or (‘69 Code, § 18-23)
   (N)   To cut, break, mark, damage or injure any telegraph post or wire, telephone post or wire, or electric light pole, wire or bulbs; or (‘69 Code, § 18-24)
   (O)   To post or affix any notice, bill, advertisement or placard, whether painted, printed or written on any public or private building, fence, telephone, telegraph or electric light pole or other structure, without the consent of the owner; provided, that this division shall not apply to public officers whose duty it is to post legal notices or bills. (‘69 Code, §§ 18-2, 18-3) Penalty, see § 130.99