In order to allow residents to purchase and dedicate a tree in memoriam, the city shall operate a Memorial Tree Program as follows.
   (A)   Any person may pay to the city a fee of $350, for which the city shall plant a tree in memory of a former resident of Tuscola so designated by the payer. The city shall also install a small, permanent marker at the base of the tree, which shall read, “In memory of the designated person”.
   (B)   The city shall attempt to provide the payer with choices as to species of tree and location of planting, provided that said choices can be made within the confines of the city’s plans and budgets. The city shall retain final decision authority.
   (C)   The city shall conduct said planting at the next scheduled Fall or Spring planting cycle, but in no case greater than one year from the date of payment of the memorial fee.
   (D)   The City Council may, from time to time, change said fee by ordinance, in order to reflect average market costs for the purchase of the tree and the permanent marker.
(Ord. 2002-0-8, passed 6-24-02; Am. Ord. 2022-O-1, passed 1-24- 22)