§ 91.02 FIRE LIMITS.
   All that portion of the city embraced within the following limits shall be known as the fire limits: Beginning at the center of the intersection of Pembroke Street and North Center Street then running south on a line parallel with the east side of North Center Street and South Center Street to the center of the intersection of South Center Street and Wilson Street. Running then west along a line parallel with the south side of East and West Wilson Street to the intersection with the west boundary line of the city. Running then northward along the west boundary line of the city to a point where the west boundary intersects with the center of Pembroke Street. Running then east along West and East Pembroke Street on a line parallel with the north side of East and West Pembroke Street to the place of beginning.
('69 Code, § 5-3)
   Dangerous buildings, see § 93.15 et seq.
Statutory reference:
   Fire limits, see S.H.A. Ch. 24, § 11-8-3