For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   "DOG." Any canine animal above the age of two months.
   "OWNER." Any person who has a right of property in, or who keeps, or harbors, or acts as custodian of, or who has in his care an animal, and shall include a person who knowingly permits, or who encourages, an animal to remain on or about premises occupied by said person.
   "OWN." To have a right of property in, or keep, or harbor, or act as custodian of, or have the care of, or knowingly permit or encourage to remain on or about premises occupied by the owning person.
   "RUN AT LARGE." Permitting or causing an animal to be at any place within the city, at any time, other than on premises occupied by the owner thereof, except when the animal is under the direct, effective, physical control of the owner thereof, or his agent, or a member of the immediate family of the owner.
   "DIRECT, EFFECTIVE, PHYSICAL CONTROL." Mechanical exercise of authority over, by use of a chain, leash, line, cord, rope, or similar thing held by the person in control of an animal and securely attached to the animal.
   "LICENSE." A document of writing furnished by the city upon proper application and upon payment of the tax herein imposed.
   "LICENSE TAG." A tag, disk, or plate of suitable and durable material furnished by the city along with a license.
   "VICIOUS," "DANGEROUS," or "FIERCE." An animal that has once bitten a person, or an animal that displays, by barking, snarling, growling, or snapping at a person, or rushing at or upon, or chasing a person, or by other overt action, an inclination to do harm to or frighten a person, and includes an animal which attacks, worries, mutilates, wounds, or kills a dog, cat, or a domestic animal.
('69 Code, § 4-39) (Ord. 66-0-23, passed 7-11-66)