Curbs, gutters, and combination curbs and gutters shall be constructed in accordance with the current Illinois Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. In addition, the following requirements shall also be met:
   (A)   The standard curb and gutter will be a concrete barrier or depressed curb. Curb-type installation listed as type B-6.18 as shown in Standard 2130-4 of the State of Illinois Highway Standards (A-7.5c);
   (B)   The sidewalk shall be constructed of portland cement concrete having a modulus of rupture of not less than 650 pounds per square inch at the age of 14 days. The concrete shall be mixed in accordance with the requirements in the applicable paragraphs of Section 504 of the current Illinois Department of Transportation Standard Specifications;
   (C)   The gutter thickness specification shall not be less than 6 inches or the thickness of the street pavement, whichever is greater;
   (D)   Standard curb and guttering shall be installed over a minimum subbase of 9 inches of compacted porous granular aggregate;
   (E)   Construction shall conform to acceptable practices described in the current “Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction of the State of Illinois Department of Transportation”;
   (F)   The minimum radius of curbing curvature or at street intersections will be 15 feet measured to the face of a curb;
   (G)   The minimum radius of curbing curvature entering a private drive or alley will be 10 feet; and
   (H)   At the intersection of curbs and sidewalks, the curbs shall be depressed and sidewalk ramps for the handicapped shall be installed as shown in the current Standard 2356 of the State of Illinois Highway Standards.
(‘69 Code, § 23-62) (Ord. 77-0-9, passed 11-28-77)