(A)   No claim or account against the city, except for the salaries of its regularly elected, appointed, and commissioned officers, or for the payment of a special contract made by the City Council, or some officer of the city authorized by ordinance to make contracts, shall be considered, audited or allowed, nor shall any warrant issue for the payment thereof, unless the person presenting the same or some credible person for him, makes an oath that such claim or account is true, just and correct, and that the charges therein are reasonable. Such warrant shall not issue until the claim or account has been examined by at least two of the committees of the department to which the claim or account appropriately belongs, and the committee has reported the claim back to the Council, with its recommendation indorsed thereon and signed by the members thereof. (‘69 Code, § 2-9)
   (B)   All claims against the city shall be filed with the City Clerk by the morning of the days on which the regular meetings of the City Council are held. It will be the duty of the chairman of each committee of the City Council to apply to the City Clerk at that time for all claims appropriately referred to that committee, to examine the correctness of the claims and to report to the City Council. Claims not filed with the City Clerk at the time specified herein shall not be considered at the regular meeting of the Council on that day, but shall be laid over until the next regular meeting, unless otherwise ordered by the City Council. (‘69 Code, § 2-10)