(A)   The jurisdiction of the Board of Health shall extend over the city and ½ mile beyond the corporate limits thereof. All rules and regulations of the Department of Health relating to sanitation and public health and the abatement of nuisances shall apply to and be in force in all of this territory.
(‘69 Code, § 13-23)
   (B)   The Board of Health shall have jurisdiction in all matters pertaining to the preservation of the health of those in attendance at the public and private schools in the city, and shall exclude from the schools any person with any contagious, infectious, pestilential, or communicable disease, or any person who may convey such disease to others in attendance. (‘69 Code, § 13-33)
   Public health and safety, see Ch. 136
Statutory reference:
   Jurisdiction, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5 § 7-4-1