§ 31.76 DUTIES.
   (A)   The Superintendent of Water Pollution Control shall have general supervision of the public sewers and sewage treatment plant of the city, shall ascertain the conditions and needs thereof and shall, from time to time, report the same to the City Council.
   (B)   The Superintendent shall keep proper records of the location of all sewers, Y branches, and building sewer connections, and the condition of private sewage disposal systems and building sewers.
   (C)   The Superintendent shall have the duties specifically set forth in sewers and drains ordinances. He shall have authority to supervise the construction of private sewage disposal systems and the construction and installation of building sewers and to issue permits therefor.
   (D)   The Superintendent shall be responsible for the enforcement of the provisions of the sewers and drains ordinances and he is authorized to make such inspections, observations, measurements, samplings, and tests as may be necessary in that regard and is authorized to enter upon any property for that purpose.
(Ord. 75-0-2, passed 4-28-75)
   Sewers and drains, see Ch. 51
Statutory reference:
   Duties of officers, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5 § 3-7-2