The rules and procedures for public comment at all open meetings of the City Council and all city committees/boards shall be as follows;
   (A)   A public comment period shall be held during every open meeting of the City Council and all city committees/boards. Except upon motion approved by a majority of the City Council of city committee/ board, the public comment period shall not exceed thirty minutes for open meetings of the City Council and Zoning Board, and fifteen minutes for open meetings of all other city committees/boards. The right to public comment does not apply to closed meetings/executive sessions.
   (B)   Anyone desiring to address the City Council or a city committee/board must sign in at least five minutes before the start of the meeting at which the person desires to speak. The person shall list his or her name and address when he or she signs in.
   (C)   Public comment shall be permitted by the presiding officer only during the designated public comment period specified on the agenda. The presiding officer shall recognize registered speakers in the order in which they signed in.
   (D)   Public comment is limited to a total of five minutes per registered speaker at any open meeting of the City Council and is limited to a total of three minutes per registered speaker at any open meeting of a city committee/board. A speaker cannot give his or her allotted minutes to another speaker.
   (E)   Once a registered speaker has been recognized by the presiding officer, the speaker shall only speak from the location where he or she is standing or sitting and shall not approach the members of the Council, committee, or board. Registered speakers shall begin their comments by stating his or her name and address.
   (F)   The public comment period is not intended to require members of the City Council or city committee/board, or city staff to provide responses or answers to questions to speakers. Discussions between speakers, members of the audience, and representatives of the city shall not be permitted.
   (G)   After a speaker has concluded making a public comment, or his or her allotted time for public comment has expired, he or she shall be seated with no further debate, dialogue, or comment.
   (H)   All comments must be civil and respectful in nature. Any speaker making defamatory, obscene, discriminatory, threatening or abusive comments or behavior, may be deemed out of order by the presiding officer, the speaker’s public comment may be terminated, and if the comments or behavior persist, the speaker may be required to leave the meeting.
   (I)   If numerous persons wish to speak on a single issue, the presiding officer may recognize a specific number of registered speakers to make comments regarding the matter, though all of the time allotted for public comment shall be utilized. Any registered person who is not able to address the city for this reason or due to the expiration of the time allotted for public comment will be encouraged to attend a subsequent meeting to address the City Council or city committee/board, and/or to provide written comments.
(Ord. 2015-O-8, passed 9-14-15)