(A)   All committees shall be appointed by the Mayor. (‘69 Code, § 2-62)
Statutory reference:
   Council rules, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5 § 3-11-11
   (B)   The Mayor shall appoint Council members, officers, employees or citizens of the city to be on such committees as he or she deems appropriate. The standing committees shall be appointed by the Mayor upon entering on the duties of his office, and annually thereafter. The first person named on the committees shall be the chairman thereof. (‘69 Code, § 2-64)
   (C)   The standing and select committees of the Council shall be those as from time to time provided for by the Council with the members thereof to be duly appointed by law. The committees shall exercise such powers and perform such functions as provided for by Council.
   (D)   Unless otherwise provided, the city shall have five committees:
      (1)   Finance and Administration;
      (2)   Development and Planning;
      (3)   Public Works;
      (4)   Public Safety;
      (5)   Tax Increment Financing.
   (E)   Though the Council shall have the authority and discretion to assign any given topic or task to a designated committee, unless otherwise provided, the committees shall review issues concerning the following subject matters:
      (1)   Finance and Administration. Budget, appropriations, property tax levy, bond issuance, personnel, benefits, insurance, and oversight of the Administration Department.
      (2)   Development and Administration. Zoning, tourism, community marketing, subdivision review, special use permits and variances, economic and community development, construction code manuals, and oversight of the Building Department.
      (3)   Public Works. Oversight of Streets, Parks, Sewer and Water Departments, solid waste program, recycling, franchise agreements, public buildings, property and rights-of-way, water and sewer rates.
      (4)   Public Safety. Oversight of Police and Fire Departments, ambulance service, animal control, abandoned properties and nuisance enforcement.
      (5)   Tax Increment Financing. Oversight of the city’s tax increment financing districts, the possible creation of additional tax increment financing districts, and the use and stewardship of tax increment financing funds.
   (F)   Standing and select committees, to whom references are made, shall, in all cases when requested by the Council, report in writing the state of facts with their opinions thereon, with all relevant papers or documents attached to its report.
   (G)   Committee meetings shall be scheduled pursuant to the notice requirements of Illinois law.
(Am. Ord. 2009-O-8, passed 4-22-09)