(A) In case of the lack of a quorum of the City Council at any time, and in case a majority of the members present shall direct, the Mayor or presiding officer shall direct the Chief of Police or any police officer to arrest and bring in any and all absent members who can be found in the city who are not unable, through sickness, to attend. Any member who purposely absents himself from the city, conceals himself from the officer, or refuses to be brought in when found, shall be subject to a fine of $25.
(B) If any Alderman fails to attend the regular meetings of the City Council on three successive occasions, unless such absences have been excused because of illness or circumstances beyond the absent Alderman’s control, the seat of the Alderman shall be deemed vacant the same as though the Alderman had resigned from his office.
(C) Any Alderman wishing to avail himself of the exemption provided in division (B) above, shall file in writing with the City Clerk, not later than twenty-four hours prior to the third such successive Council meeting from which he proposes to be absent, his reasons for absenting himself.
(‘69 Code, § 2-32) (Ord. 65-0-17, passed 11-22-65)
Statutory reference:
Council rules, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5 §§ 3-11-11, 3-11-12