§ 150.01 LOT SPLITS.
   (A)   The division of a lot in a recorded plat that is within the township is prohibited unless approved following application to the Township Board. The application for a division shall be filed with the Township Clerk and shall state the reasons for the proposed division. No lot shall be divided into more than four parts and the resulting lots shall be not less in area than permitted by the county zoning ordinance. If the division of a lot results in an area less than that permitted by the county zoning ordinance, the township may approve the split if the County Zoning Commission has given its approval of the lot area to be split prior to application to the township. No building permit shall be issued or any building construction commenced unless the division has been approved by the Township Board and the suitability of the land for building sites has been approved by the district Health Department.
   (B)   The division of a lot resulting in a area smaller than prescribed herein may be permitted by the Township Board without approval of the County Zoning Commission but only for the purpose of adding to the existing building site or sites.
   (C)   The application to the township shall so state the requirements above and shall be in affidavit form and shall contain a drawing showing the dimensions and description of each part of the lot as proposed for dividing.
   (D)   Approval of the division of a lot in a recorded plat shall be contingent on an agreement in writing by the applicant that any sales contract, deed or any other document presented for recording at the office of the County Register of Deeds shall be accompanied by a copy of the written approval of the Township Board and a copy of the drawing of the lot as approved for dividing. The County Register of Deeds shall not record a document involving the division of a lot in a recorded plat within the township unless approved by the Board of Trustees of the township in compliance with the provisions of this section. The township further reserves the right to impose any additional requirements not specifically addressed herein.
(Ord. 20, passed 4-2-1996) Penalty, see § 10.99