(A) Procedure.
(1) Before filing an objection to renewal or request for revocation of a license with the State Liquor Control Commission, the Township Board shall serve the license holder, by first-class mail, mailed not less than ten days prior to the hearing with notice of a hearing, which notice shall contain the following:
(a) Notice of proposed action;
(b) Reasons for the proposed action;
(c) Date, time and place of the hearing; and
(d) Statement that the license may present evidence and testimony and control adverse witnesses.
(2) Following the hearing, the Township Board shall submit to the license holder and the Commission, a written statement of its findings and determination.
(B) Criteria for nonrenewal or revocation. The Township Board shall recommend nonrenewal or revocation of a license upon a determination by it that based upon a preponderance of the evidence presented at the hearing any of the following exist:
(1) Violation of any of the restrictions on licenses set forth in § 111.02(B)(1) through (B)(12);
(2) Maintenance of a nuisance upon the premises; or
(3) Unpaid and delinquent personal property taxes, real property taxes, special assessments or other charges imposed against the premises or the licensee by the township or any other unit of government.
(Ord. 14, passed 11-6-1989)