For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BASEMENT. Approved basement is any basement with walls and floor constructed of concrete or equivalent, reasonably water-tight, properly drained and in ordinary daily use.
DWELLING. Any house, building, structure, tent, shelter, trailer or vehicle or portion thereof which is occupied in whole or in part as a home, residence, living or sleeping place for one or more human beings. It shall include any part of any building or its premises used as a place of residence, living or sleeping place for one or more beings. It shall include any part of any building or its premises used as a place or residence or habitation or for sleeping purposes by any person, and which are used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking or eating.
GARBAGE. Animal and vegetable wastes which arise from the use, preparation or storage of food for human consumption.
PERSON. Person, persons, partnership, firm or corporation responsible for the ownership or operation of a premises.
PREMISES. Any dwelling, building or other place where human beings reside, are employed or congregate.
PUBLIC HEALTH NUISANCE. Any unwholesome, offensive, obnoxious or filthy condition that may be injurious to the health or safety of others. PUBLIC HEALTH NUISANCES shall also include such conditions as are conductive to harborage or feeding of rodents or may be conductive to the breeding of flies.
RUBBISH. Combustible or noncombustible waste material except garbage.
SEPTIC TANK. A water-tight receptacle having an inlet and outlet receiving liquid sewage and so designed to permit the separation of solids in suspension from such wastes and to permit such retained solids to undergo decomposition therein.
SEWAGE. Includes the liquid wastes from all buildings and/or wastes from sink, lavatory, bath tub, shower and laundry.
SEWER. Any pipe or conduit which carries sewage, or into which sewage may back up.
SPRING. Any uncased water supply depending upon the natural flow of water from the ground.
SUCTION LINE. A water suction line is any closed conduit carrying or intended to carry water to the inlet side of a pump.
WELL. The pipe or conduit installed in the ground for the purpose of providing a method of collection of ground water and transmission of the same above the surface of the ground.
(Ord. 6, eff. 9-1-1965)