(A)   The purpose of this section is to grant authority to the Town Manager to take action on requests for minor modifications or adjustments to certain requirements of this zoning code when such requests constitute a reasonable use of property not permissible under a strict literal interpretation of the regulations.
   (B)   For the purpose of administering this section, an adjustment is any variance to the terms or requirements of this zoning code, which, if granted, would allow the following:
      (1)   A decrease of not more than 10% of the required building site area, width or depth;
      (2)   A decrease of not more than 20% of the required width of a side yard or the yard between buildings;
      (3)   A decrease of not more than 20% of the required front or rear yard;
      (4)   An increase of not more than 20% in the permitted height of a fence or wall;
      (5)   An increase of not more than 10% of the permitted projection of steps, stairways, landings, eaves, overhangs, masonry chimneys and fireplaces into any required front, rear, side or yard between buildings;
      (6)   An increase of not more than 10% of the permitted height or areas of signs;
      (7)   A decrease in the number of required parking spaces of not more than 10%;
      (8)   An increase of not more than 10% in the maximum allowable lot coverage; and
      (9)   An increase of not more than 10% in the permitted height of buildings.
(Ord. 2012-04, passed 12-5-2012)