A property owner desiring to propose a change in the boundaries of the zone in which his or her property is located, or his or her authorized agent, may file with the Town Manager or designee an application for a change in zone boundaries on the form prescribed by the town and shall include the following data:
   (A)   Name and address of the applicant;
   (B)   Signature of the property owners;
   (C)   Address and legal description of the property;
   (D)   An accurate scale drawing of the site and the surrounding area showing existing streets and property lines for a distance determined by the town staff to be necessary to illustrate the relationship to and impact on the surrounding area;
   (E)   The town staff may require additional information or maps if they are necessary to enable the Commission to determine whether the change is consistent with the objectives of this zoning code. The Town Manager or designee may authorize omission of the map required by this section if it is not necessary; and
   (F)   A list of all owners of properties located within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property; the list shall be keyed to a map showing the location of these properties.
(Ord. 2012-04, passed 12-5-2012)