(A) Trash receptacles. Trash receptacles enclosed with solid masonry walls and with gates shall be provided for each industrial use. Said receptacles shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from any G, AR, RR, RS or RM Zone boundary and shall be maintained in a neat and sanitary condition in order to safeguard the health, safety and general welfare of adjacent properties, subject to the approval of the Town Manager or designee.
(B) Mechanical equipment. All mechanical equipment, including heating and air conditioning units, and trash receptacle areas shall be completely screened from surrounding properties by use of a wall or fence or shall be enclosed within a building.
(C) Electrical disturbance, heat and cold, glare. No use, except a temporary construction operation, shall be permitted which creates changes in temperature or direct glare, detectable by the human senses without the aid of instruments, beyond the boundaries of the site. No use shall be permitted which creates electrical disturbances that affect the operation of any equipment beyond the boundaries of the site.
(D) Fire and explosive hazards. All storage of and activities involving inflammable and explosive materials shall be provided with adequate safety and firefighting devices to the specifications of the Tusayan Fire District. All incineration is prohibited.
(E) Odor. No use shall be permitted which creates annoying odor in such quantities as to be readily detectable beyond the boundaries of the site.
(F) Vibration. No use, except a temporary construction operation, shall be permitted which generates inherent and recurrent ground vibration perceptible, without instruments, at the boundary of the lot in which the use is located.
(G) Fencing. Outdoor storage areas shall be entirely fenced with a material not less than six feet in height. Those areas visible from a public street shall be adequately screened by masonry walls or a substitute acceptable to the Town Manager or designee.
(H) Noise. Noise shall not be generated by any use to the point of disturbing the peace and comfort of neighboring residences.
(I) Rehabilitation. Any pit resulting from depletion of the mineral resource, or from abandoned or terminated mineral extraction operations shall be filled to ground level and such pits or any depleted hillside areas shall be treated in accordance with the following standards.
(1) Filling.
(a) On property where the mineral resource thereon is in fact depleted by reason of extraction operations, or on property where the production of any such resource is in fact abandoned or terminated, said property shall be filled and landscaped to conform with the surrounding properties.
(b) Said filling and landscaping treatment shall be commenced within one month from the date of depletion, abandonment or termination of mineral resource production on the property and diligently prosecuted to the completion thereof.
(2) Grading.
(a) Slopes, overburden stockpiles, abandoned spoil piles and the general premises shall be graded and smoothed so as to control erosion, prevent the creation of potentially dangerous areas and present a neat and orderly appearance.
(b) No hillside shall remain with an average grade steeper than one foot horizontal to one foot vertical with a ten-foot wide terrace for not more than each 50 feet of vertical height, unless a permanent steeper slope, without terraces, is approved by the town staff.
(3) Water-filled areas.
(a) Upon termination of operations, all excavations made to a level below the existing ground water table shall be filled with inert materials as approved by the town staff to a level above the existing ground water table. This requirement shall not apply, however, to any water-filled excavations scheduled to be in an integral part of future development of the property.
(b) All such water-filled areas remaining shall be treated with effective mosquito- control measures, as required by the County Health Department.
(J) Hazardous and non-hazardous waste materials. No hazardous material shall be disposed on the premises. All such materials shall be transported to a landfill site officially designated by the state for hazardous materials disposal. Only non-hazardous materials produced on the premises may be disposed of on the premises; provided that, such disposal be contained in a manner so as to prevent entry of such materials into the surface water system.
(K) Conformance testing. Whenever there is a question of conformance with the performance standards of this section, the Town Manager or designee shall require the property owner or operator to engage the services of a certified testing firm. Copies of all such tests shall be furnished to the Town Manager.
(L) Solid waste disposal. All solid waste which is not disposed on-site shall be transported to an authorized landfill for proper disposition.
(Ord. 2012-04, passed 12-5-2012)