(A)   All performance, development and maintenance standards, including screening and landscaping, off-street parking and sign regulations, shall be as set forth in the underlying zone with which the FPM Zone is combined.
   (B)   Such other performance, development and maintenance standards as may be specified in a conditional use permit required for any use also shall be applicable.
   (C)   In a floodplain where no floodway is identified, all structures, except as authorized by § 13.6-3(C), shall be set back five feet from the bank(s) of the watercourse as determined by the County Engineer.
   (D)   All development proposals for land areas greater than five acres, wherein at least a portion of the subject property is located in an identified floodplain area, shall clearly indicate the base flood elevation data as shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs).
   (E)   Flood retarding or protection structures such as walls or berms may be constructed in identified floodplain areas if, in the opinion of the County Engineer, such structures will ensure the protection of properties, buildings and public safety. Such structures shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by an engineer registered and licensed to practice in the state and as approved by the County Engineer. Such structures shall not create any detrimental impact or increase flood hazards on upstream or downstream properties.
(Ord. 2012-04, passed 12-5-2012)