(A) Air conditioners, heating, cooling, ventilating equipment, swimming pool pumps and heaters and all other mechanical devices shall be screened from surrounding properties and streets and shall be so operated that they do not disturb the peace, quiet and comfort of neighboring residents. Facilities for the operation of alternate energy systems shall be
exempted from the screening requirements when such screening will clearly restrict the efficient operation of such systems.
(B) Required front and street side yards shall be landscaped, except for necessary walks, drives and fences. Said required front and street side yards shall not be used for the parking or storage of any motor vehicle or vehicle accessory such as camper shells, trailers, motor bikes or other wheeled accessory or convenience; except that, operable motor vehicles may be parked upon the driveway or access way to the garage or carport. One motor vehicle or travel trailer for sale may be parked on or adjacent to the driveway, but not elsewhere in the front or street side setback areas.
(C) All required landscaping shall be permanently maintained in a neat and orderly condition.
(D) A maximum area of 200 square feet may be used on any one lot or manufactured home space for the outdoor storage of any used or secondhand materials, including, but not limited to, lumber, inoperable or unlicensed vehicles, auto parts, household appliances, pipe, drums, machinery or furniture, unlicensed travel trailers or utility trailers; provided, however, that, such outdoor storage shall be located to the rear of the main dwelling and screened from surrounding properties and streets by a wall, non-transparent fence, landscaping or structure. Any wall or fencing shall not exceed six feet in height. Stored secondhand materials, vehicles, vehicle parts and the like shall not be stacked so as to be visible above the required screening, or more than six feet high. All permitted screened outdoor storage areas shall meet the minimum required building setbacks as prescribed by this section. The provisions of this division (D) shall not be so construed as to restrict the storage of firewood maintained for fuel purposes and use by the occupant of the premises.
(E) The overnight parking of heavy commercial vehicles, including, but not limited to, semi-tractors, semi-trailers, dump trucks, equipment trailers, backhoes and the like, is prohibited in the Manufactured Home Park Zone.
(F) Where public or semi-public uses are established, a masonry wall or solid wood fence six feet in height as measured from the highest adjacent grade and screen landscaping shall be erected and maintained between such uses and adjacent residential uses on properties.
(G) Apparatus needed for the operation of active or passive solar energy systems or other alternative energy systems, including, but not limited to, overhangs, movable insulating walls and roofs, attached or detached solar collectors, reflectors and piping shall be permitted for any use, subject to the approval and specifications of the Town Manager or designee.
(H) In the MHP Zone, as a precaution against unauthorized use, swimming pools when located within 300 feet of a neighboring residence shall be enclosed by a wall or fence not less than five feet in height in accordance with the requirements of the town.
(I) In the MHP Zone, one recreational vehicle or travel trailer per lot or parcel may be used for temporary residency not to exceed 100 days per year; provided that, the lot or parcel is not already occupied by a dwelling or other residential structure. A temporary use permit shall be obtained prior to establishing said temporary residence, and the travel trailer or recreational vehicle must be removed from the parcel upon the expiration of the temporary use permit. Approval may be subject to conditions.
(J) A building permit, as required by the Building Code, shall be obtained prior to the construction, reconstruction, alteration or change in use of any building or other structure.
(Ord. 2012-04, passed 12-5-2012)