§ 13-5-4 ANNEXATION—AUGUST 17, 1998.
   (a)   The village wishes to annex lands it owns, and an attached town island in the Town of Beaver, Polk County.
   (b)   Said lands are further described as follows:
Lot 1 and Outlot 1 of that certified survey map recorded in Volume 11 of Certified Survey Maps on page 46, Document Number 561362 in the Office of Register of Deeds in and for Polk County, being a part of the NE quarter of the NE quarter of Section 36, Township 34 N, Range 15 W, Polk County.
   (c)   Appropriate notice was made on the Clerk of the Town of Beaver and Clerk of the County of Polk.
   (d)   The Village Board has determined that the said lands are contiguous to the village, and annexation is in the best interest of the citizens of the village.
   (e)   The Village Board establishes a temporary zoning classification on said annexed lands as B-2 Highway Commercial until the comprehensive zoning ordinance can be amended.
   (f)   The real estate described above and in Attachment D be and hereby is annexed into the village and detached from the Town of Beaver in Polk County.
(Prior Code, § 13-5-4)