§ 8.52.220   Record of cost for abatement.
   The Director shall keep an account of the cost (including incidental expenses) of abating the nuisance on each separate lot, or parcel of land where the work has been done and shall render an itemized report in writing to the City Council showing the cost of watering, pruning, trimming or treating the heritage tree(s), and incidental expenses, on each separate lot or parcel of land; provided, that before the report is submitted to the City Council, a copy of the same shall be posted for at least five days upon the premises or property upon which the heritage tree(s) are situated, or the nuisance committed, together with a notice of the time when the report shall be submitted to the City Council for confirmation. A copy of the report and notice shall be served upon the owner of the property, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, at least five days prior to submitting the same to the Council. Proof of the posting and service shall be made by affidavit and filed with the City Clerk. The term INCIDENTAL EXPENSES shall include, but not be limited to the expenses and costs of the city in the preparation of notices, specifications and contacts, and in inspecting the work, and the costs of printing and mailing required hereunder.
(1995 Code, § 8.52.220)