§ 8.52.160   Nuisances.
   It is hereby declared a public nuisance for any person owning, leasing, occupying or having charge of any premises in the city which has one or more heritage trees located thereon to intentionally, negligently, accidentally or otherwise maintain the premises in such a manner so as to cause harm to and of the heritage trees, by reason of any of the following conditions:
   (A)   Water saturation or deprivation;
   (B)   Nailing, screwing, stapling, bolting or otherwise attaching board, fences, signs, placards, posters or any other material which might cause injury to the heritage tree;
   (C)   Neglect in the pruning or trimming of overgrown, diseased, decaying, dead or rotting limbs, branches and foliage. Whenever any premises or heritage tree(s) exist, or are permitted to exist, within the city contrary to these provisions the City Council, by resolution, may declare the same to be a public nuisance; the resolution shall declare the intention of the City Council to commence abatement proceedings, as herein provided, and shall refer to the street and number under which it is officially or commonly known and describe the property upon which the nuisance exists by giving the legal description of the land.
(1995 Code, § 8.52.160)