§ 8.32.150   Tree well installation, planting and maintenance.
   Tree wells in full width sidewalks are desired along major arterials and collectors. Street trees shall be installed pursuant to the following guidelines:
   (A)   An improvement agreement between the city and developer or abutting property owner shall include provisions for the installation of tree wells and irrigation in sidewalks abutting the affected property and the planting of an approved street tree;
   (B)   The subdivider, developer or owner shall pay the city a fee per street tree to be planted in each required tree well. The fee shall be determined on an annual basis by resolution of the Council and shall cover and include the cost of the requisite tree or trees, tree stake(s), soil amendment, root barrier, and irrigation, and will cover, the cost of installation by city forces or by parties under contract with the city, should that be necessary, and an administrative processing fee;
   (C)   All fees collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the Street Tree Trust Account as is described in this chapter and, upon completion of the improvements to the subject parcel or parcels, the unused portion of the fee paid by the owner, developer or subdivider, shall be returned following a satisfactory inspection by the department and a request from the owner, developer, or subdivider. Fees not requested within one year of project completion shall remain in the Street Tree Trust Account to be used for tree planting elsewhere in the city at the discretion of the Director;
   (D)   All street trees planted shall be of the species identified in the approved city street tree list;
   (E)   All trees shall be 15-gallon container size and shall include a root barrier and two stakes pursuant to city improvement standards;
   (F)   Spacing of the trees shall be determined on a case by case basis, but generally will be 35 feet apart in accordance with city spacing requirements; and
   (G)   Developer shall provide ongoing tree maintenance in these designated tree wells except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
(1995 Code, § 8.32.150) (Ord. 08-12, passed 7-15-2008)