§ 1.61.050   Service procedures.
   (A)   An administrative citation on a form approved by the City Manager shall be issued to the responsible person by an Enforcement Officer for violations of the Tulare Municipal Code or state codes specifically adopted by reference in the applicable chapters of the Tulare Municipal Code, in the following manner:
      (1)   Personal service. In any case where an administrative citation is issued:
         (a)   The Enforcement Officer shall attempt to locate and personally serve the responsible person and obtain the signature of the responsible person on the administrative citation.
         (b)   If the responsible person served refuses or fails to sign the administrative citation, the failure or refusal to sign shall not affect the validity of the administrative citation or of subsequent proceedings.
      (2)   Service of citation by mail. If the Enforcement Officer is unable to locate the responsible person, the administrative citation shall be mailed to the responsible person by certified mail, postage prepaid with a requested return receipt. Simultaneously, the citation may be sent by first class mail. If the citation is sent by certified mail and returned unsigned, then service shall be deemed effective pursuant to first class mail, provided the citation sent by first class mail is not returned.
      (3)   Service by citation by posting notice. If the Enforcement Officer does not succeed in serving the responsible person personally, or of certified mail or regular mail, the Enforcement Officer shall post the administrative citation on any real property within the city where the city has knowledge that the responsible person has a legal interest, and the posting shall be deemed effective service.
(1995 Code, § 1.61.040) (Ord. 04-1953, passed - -2004)