§ 5.62.110 Review of decision.
   (A)   The City Manager or Hearing Officer's decision to disqualify a person as provided herein may be modified or vacated by the City Manager or Hearing Officer, as the case may be, if, in his or her sole judgment, good cause exists for such modification
or vacation. Good cause for review may be based on one or more of the following reasons:
      (1)   Newly-discovered, material evidence not previously available to the parties.
      (2)   Final, judicial reversal of a conviction or civil judgment upon which the disqualification was based.
      (3)   A bona fide change in ownership or management of the respondent's business.
      (4)   Elimination of the grounds upon which the disqualification was based.
   (B)   The respondent shall have no right of review by the City Manager or Hearing Officer. Such review shall be at the City Manager or Hearing Officer's sole discretion.
   (C)   A request for review shall be submitted by the respondent or the respondent's representative in writing and shall be accompanied by competence evidence in support thereof. Upon receipt of the request, the City Manager or Hearing Officer, as the case may be, shall respond within a reasonable period of time as to whether the decision will be reviewed. The City Manager or Hearing Officer's denial of such request shall be non-appealable and not subject to judicial review.
   (D)   If the City Manager or Hearing Officer agrees to review the decision, he or she shall render a written decision within a reasonable time thereafter. The decision shall be final and delivered to the respondent or respondent's representative.
(Ord. 2023-08, passed 9-19-2023)