(A) There is hereby imposed a tax upon every person in the city using communication services. The maximum tax imposed by this section shall be at the rate of six percent of the charges made for such services and shall be collected from the service user by the communication services supplier or its billing agent. There is a rebuttable presumption that communication services, which are billed to a billing or service address in the city, are used, in whole or in part, within the city’s boundaries, and such services are subject to taxation under this chapter. If the billing address of the service user is different from the service address, the service address of the service user shall be used for purposes of imposing the tax. As used in this section, the term
CHARGES shall include the value of any other services, credits, property of every kind or nature, or other consideration provided by the service user in exchange for the communication services.
(B) Mobile telecommunications service shall be sourced in accordance with the sourcing rules set forth in the Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act (4 U.S.C. § 124). The Tax Administrator may issue and disseminate to communication service suppliers, which are subject to the tax collection requirements of this chapter, sourcing rules for the taxation of other communication services, including but not limited to post-paid communication services, prepaid communication services, and private communication services, provided that such rules are based upon custom and common practice that further administrative efficiency and minimize multi-jurisdictional taxation.
(C) The Tax Administrator may issue and disseminate to communication service suppliers, which are subject to the tax collection requirements of this chapter, an administrative ruling identifying those communication services, or charges therefore, that are subject to or not subject to the tax of division (A) above.
(D) As used in this section, the term
TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES shall include, but are not limited to charges for: connection, reconnection, termination, movement, or change of telecommunication services; late payment fees; detailed billing; central office and custom calling features (including but not limited to call waiting, call forwarding, caller identification and three-way calling); voice mail and other messaging services; directory assistance; access and line charges; universal service charges; regulatory, administrative and other cost recovery charges; local number portability charges; and text messaging. As used in this section, the term TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES shall not include separately stated charges for: installation or maintenance of wiring or equipment on a customer’s premises and wire maintenance fees; sale or rental of tangible personal property; digital products delivered electronically, such as software, downloaded music, ring tones and reading materials; 911 surcharge; and sales for resale.
(E) Charges for communication services (video) shall include, but are not limited to, charges for the following:
(1) Franchise fees and access fees (PEG);
(2) Initial installation of equipment necessary for provision and receipt of communication services;
(3) Late fees, collection fees, bad debt recoveries, and return check fees;
(4) Activation fees, reactivation fees, and reconnection fees;
(5) All video programming services (e.g., basic services, premium services, audio services, video games, pay-per-view services, or on demand programming);
(6) Ancillary programming services (e.g., electronic program guide services, search functions, or other interactive services or communications that are ancillary, necessary or common to the use or enjoyment of the video programming);
(7) Equipment leases (e.g., converters, remote devices); and
(8) Service calls, service protection plans, name changes, changes of services, and special services.
(F) To facilitate the uniform interpretation and application of similar ordinance provisions in other local jurisdictions in the state, the Tax Administrator may, prior to issuing and disseminating a sourcing rule or an administrative tax ruling, submit its proposed sourcing rule or administrative tax ruling to a municipal organization for review and comment, according to the rules and procedures of that municipal organization, or its successor organization.
(G) To prevent actual multi-jurisdictional taxation of communication services subject to tax under this section, any service user, upon proof to the Tax Administrator that the service user has previously paid the same tax in another state or city on such communication services, shall be allowed a credit against the tax imposed to the extent of the amount of such tax legally imposed in such other state or city; provided, however, the amount of credit shall not exceed the tax owed to the city under this section.
(H) The tax on communication services imposed by this section shall be collected from the service user by the service supplier. The amount of tax collected in one month shall be remitted to the Tax Administrator, and must be received by the Tax Administrator on or before the twentieth day of the following month.
(I) Upon a showing of hardship, the Tax Administrator may administratively delay the implementation of this section until no later than January 1, 2008. Prior to such time, the Tax Administrator may administratively permit the telecommunications tax to be applied to telecommunication services in the same manner as the federal excise tax was applied to communication services as defined in §§ 4251 and 4252 of the Internal Revenue Code, and the IRS regulations and rulings pertaining thereto, prior to May 25, 2006, and regardless of whether charges for such services are based on time, distance, or on any other basis, and as such sections are limited by the exceptions of §§ 4252(d) and 4253.
(J) Notwithstanding the provisions of division (A) hereinabove, the City Council may, by Resolution, to be adopted on or before May 15 of each year, reduce the tax rate of division (A) and/or adopt a maximum tax for certain classes of customers, for the ensuing fiscal year as set forth in said Resolution. Unless the City Council re-adopts said Resolution by May 15 of the subsequent year, the tax percentage reduction and any other actions taken (e.g. establishment of a maximum tax) shall automatically expire and be discontinued, and the original voter-approved tax percentage shall apply, without the necessity of a vote of the people.
(Ord. 09-04, passed 12-1-2009; Ord. 07-05, passed 6-5-2007)
Except as otherwise provided by applicable federal or state law, if any nontaxable charges are combined with and not separately stated from taxable service charges on the customer bill or invoice of a service supplier, the combined charge is subject to tax unless the service supplier identifies, by reasonable and verifiable standards, the portions of the combined charge that are nontaxable and taxable through the service supplier’s books and records kept in the regular course of business, and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and not created and maintained for tax purposes. The service supplier has the burden of proving the proper apportionment of taxable and non-taxable charges.
(Ord. 07-05, passed 6-5-2007)
(A) For purposes of imposing a tax or establishing a duty to collect and remit a tax under this chapter, substantial nexus and minimum contacts shall be construed broadly in favor of the imposition, collection and/or remittance of the utility users tax to the fullest extent permitted by state and federal law, and as it may change from time to time by judicial interpretation or by statutory enactment. Any communication service (including VoIP) used by a person with a service address in the city, which service is capable of terminating a call to another person on the general telephone network, shall be subject to a rebuttable presumption that substantial nexus/minimum contacts exists for purposes of imposing a tax, or establishing a duty to collect and remit a tax, under this chapter. A service supplier shall be deemed to have sufficient activity in the city for tax collection and remittance purposes if its activities include, but are not limited to, any of the following: maintains or has within the city, directly or through an agent or subsidiary, a place of business of any nature; solicits business in the city by employees, independent contractors, resellers, agents or other representatives; solicits business in the city on a continuous, regular, seasonal or systematic basis by means of advertising that is broadcast or relayed from a transmitter with the city or distributed from a location with the city; or advertises in newspapers or other periodicals printed and published within the city or through materials distributed in the city by means other than the United States mail.
(B) The city shall make available, upon request, an accurate description of its jurisdictional boundaries based on street addresses and/or ZIP Plus Four, in an electronic format. If a service supplier relies upon such information provided by city, it shall not be responsible for any errors in taxation that may result.
(Ord. 07-05, passed 6-5-2007)
(A) Collection by service suppliers. The duty of service suppliers to collect and remit the taxes imposed by the provisions of this chapter shall be performed as follows.
(1) The tax shall be collected by service suppliers insofar as practicable at the same time as, and along with, the collection of the charges made in accordance with the regular billing practice of the service supplier. Where the amount paid by a service user to a service supplier is less than the full amount of the charge and tax which was accrued for the billing period, a proportionate share of both the charge and the tax shall be deemed to have been paid. In those cases where a service user has notified the service supplier of refusal to pay the tax imposed on the charges, § 5.74.120 shall apply.
(2) The duty of a service supplier to collect the tax from a service user shall commence with the beginning of the first regular billing period applicable to the service user where all charges normally included in such regular billing are subject to the provisions of this chapter. Where a service user receives more than one billing, one or more being for different periods than another, the duty to collect shall arise separately for each billing period.
(B) Filing return and payment. Each person required by this chapter to remit a tax shall file a return to the Tax Administrator, on forms approved by the Tax Administrator, on or before the due date. The full amount of the tax collected shall be included with the return and filed with the Tax Administrator. The Tax Administrator is authorized to require such additional information as he or she deems necessary to determine if the tax is being levied, collected, and remitted in accordance with this chapter. Returns are due immediately upon cessation of business for any reason. Pursuant to Cal. Revenue and Tax Code § 7284.6, the Tax Administrator, and its agents, shall maintain such filing returns as confidential information that is exempt from the disclosure provisions of the Public Records Act.
(Ord. 07-05, passed 6-5-2007)
(A) Taxes collected from a service user are delinquent if not received by the Tax Administrator on or before the due date. Should the due date occur on a weekend or legal holiday, the return must be received by the Tax Administrator on the first regular working day following the weekend or legal holiday. A direct deposit, including electronic fund transfers and other similar methods of electronically exchanging monies between financial accounts, made by a service supplier in satisfaction of its obligations under this division shall be considered timely if the transfer is initiated on or before the due date, and the transfer settles into the city’s account on the following business day.
(B) If the person required to collect and/or remit the utility users’ tax fails to collect the tax (by failing to properly assess the tax on one or more services or charges on the customer’s billing) or fails to remit the tax collected on or before the due date, the Tax Administrator shall attach a penalty for such delinquencies or deficiencies at the rate of 15% of the total tax that is delinquent or deficient in the remittance, and shall pay interest at the rate of and 0.75% per month, or any fraction thereof, on the amount of the tax, exclusive of penalties, from the date on which the remittance first became delinquent, until paid.
(C) The Tax Administrator shall have the power to impose additional penalties upon persons required to collect and remit taxes pursuant to the provisions of this chapter for fraud or gross negligence in reporting or remitting at the rate of 15% of the amount of the tax collected and/or required to be remitted, or as recomputed by the Tax Administrator.
(D) For collection purposes only, every penalty imposed and such interest that is accrued under the provisions of this section shall become a part of the tax herein required to be paid.
(E) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Tax Administrator may, in his or her discretion, modify the due dates of this chapter to be consistent with any uniform standards or procedures that are mutually agreed upon by other public agencies imposing a utility users tax, or otherwise legally established, to create a central payment location or mechanism.
(Ord. 07-05, passed 6-5-2007)
Any tax required to be paid by a service user under the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed a debt owed by the service user to the city. Any such tax collected from a service user which has not been remitted to the Tax Administrator shall be deemed a debt owed to the city by the person required to collect and remit and shall no longer be a debt of the service user. Any person owing money to the city under the provisions of this chapter shall be liable to an action brought in the name of the city for the recovery of such amount, including penalties and interest as provided for in this chapter, along with any collection costs incurred by the city as a result of the person’s noncompliance with this chapter, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys fees. Any tax required to be collected by a service supplier or owed by a service user is an unsecured priority excise tax obligation under 11 U.S.C § 507(a)(8)(C).
(Ord. 07-05, passed 6-5-2007)
(A) The Tax Administrator shall make a deficiency determination if he or she determines that any person required to pay or collect taxes pursuant to the provisions of this chapter has failed to pay, collect, and/or remit the proper amount of tax by improperly or failing to apply the tax to one or more taxable services or charges.
(B) The Tax Administrator shall mail a notice of such deficiency determination to the person required to pay or remit the tax, which notice shall refer briefly to the amount of the taxes owed, plus interest at the rate of 0.75% per month, or any fraction thereof, on the amount of the tax from the date on which the tax should have been received by the city. Within 14 calendar days after the date of service of such notice, the person may request in writing to the Tax Administrator for a hearing on the matter.
(C) If the person fails to request a hearing within the prescribed time period, the amount of the deficiency determination shall become a final assessment, and shall immediately be due and owing to the city. If the person requests a hearing, the Tax Administrator shall cause the matter to be set for hearing, which shall be scheduled within 30 days after receipt of the written request for hearing. Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be mailed by the Tax Administrator to such person at least ten calendar days prior to the hearing, and, if the Tax Administrator desires the person to produce specific records at such hearing, such notice may designate the records requested to be produced.
(D) At the time fixed for the hearing, the Tax Administrator shall hear all relevant testimony and evidence, including that of any other interested parties. At the discretion of the Tax Administrator, the hearing may be continued from time to time for the purpose of allowing the presentation of additional evidence. Within a reasonable time following the conclusion of the hearing, the Tax Administrator shall issue a final assessment (or non-assessment), thereafter, by confirming, modifying or rejecting the original deficiency determination, and shall mail a copy of such final assessment to person owing the tax. The decision of the Tax Administrator may be appealed pursuant to § 5.74.160 of this chapter. Filing an application with the Tax Administrator and appeal to the City Manager pursuant to § 5.74.160 of this chapter is a prerequisite to a suit thereon.
(E) Payment of the final assessment shall become delinquent if not received by the Tax Administrator on or before the thirtieth day following the date of receipt of the notice of final assessment. The penalty for delinquency shall be 15% on the total amount of the assessment, along with interest at the rate of 0.75% per month, or any fraction thereof, on the amount of the tax, exclusive of penalties, from the date of delinquency, until paid. The applicable statute of limitations regarding a claim by the city seeking payment of a tax assessed under this chapter shall commence from the date of delinquency as provided in this division (E).
(F) All notices under this section may be sent by regular mail, postage prepaid, and shall be deemed received on the third calendar day following the date of mailing, as established by a proof of mailing.
(Ord. 07-05, passed 6-5-2007)
(A) Whenever the Tax Administrator determines that a service user has deliberately withheld the amount of the tax owed by the service user from the amounts remitted to a person required to collect the tax, or whenever the Tax Administrator deems it in the best interest of the city, he or she may relieve such person of the obligation to collect the taxes due under this chapter from certain named service users for specific billing periods. To the extent the service user has failed to pay the amount of tax owed for a period of two or more billing periods, the service supplier shall be relieved of the obligation to collect taxes due. The service supplier shall provide the city with the names and addresses of such service users and the amounts of taxes owed under the provisions of this chapter.
(B) In addition to the tax owed, the service user shall pay a delinquency penalty at the rate of 15% of the total tax that is owed, and shall pay interest at the rate of 0.75% per month, or any fraction thereof, on the amount of the tax, exclusive of penalties, from the due date, until paid.
(C) The Tax Administrator shall notify the non-paying service user that the Tax Administrator has assumed the responsibility to collect the taxes due for the stated periods and demand payment of such taxes, including penalties and interest. The notice shall be served on the service user by personal delivery or by deposit of the notice in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the service user at the address to which billing was made by the person required to collect the tax; or, should the service user have a change of address, to his or her last known address.
(D) If the service user fails to remit the tax to the Tax Administrator within 30 days from the date of the service of the notice upon him or her, the Tax Administrator may impose an additional penalty of 15% of the amount of the total tax that is owed.
(Ord. 07-05, passed 6-5-2007)
(A) The Tax Administrator shall have the power and duty, and is hereby directed, to enforce each and all of the provisions of this chapter.
(B) The Tax Administrator may adopt administrative rules and regulations consistent with provisions of this chapter for the purpose of interpreting, clarifying, carrying out and enforcing the payment, collection and remittance of the taxes herein imposed. The administrative ruling shall not impose a new tax, revise an existing tax methodology as stated in this section, or increase an existing tax, except as allowed by Cal. Government Code § 53750(h)(2). A copy of such administrative rules and regulations shall be on file in the Tax Administrator’s office.
(C) Upon a proper showing of good cause, the Tax Administrator may make administrative agreements, with appropriate conditions, to vary from the strict requirements of this chapter and thereby:
(1) Conform to the billing procedures of a particular service supplier so long as the agreements result in the collection of the tax in conformance with the general purpose and scope of this chapter; or
(2) To avoid a hardship where the administrative costs of collection and remittance greatly outweigh the tax benefit. A copy of each such agreement shall be on file in the Tax Administrator’s office, and are voidable by the Tax Administrator or the city at any time.
(D) The Tax Administrator may conduct an audit, to ensure proper compliance with the requirements of this chapter, of any person required to collect and/or remit a tax pursuant to this chapter. The Tax Administrator shall notify the person of the initiation of an audit in writing. In the absence of fraud or other intentional misconduct, the audit period of review shall not exceed a period of three years next preceding the date of receipt of the written notice by the person from the Tax Administrator. Upon completion of the audit, the Tax Administrator may make a deficiency determination pursuant to § 5.74.110 of this chapter for all taxes (and applicable penalties and interest) owed and not paid, as evidenced by information provided by such person to the Tax Administrator. If the person is unable or unwilling to provide sufficient records to enable the Tax Administrator to verify compliance with this chapter, the Tax Administrator is authorized to make a reasonable estimate of the deficiency. The reasonable estimate shall be entitled to a rebuttable presumption of correctness.
(E) Upon receipt of a written request of a taxpayer, and for good cause, the Tax Administrator may extend the time for filing any statement required pursuant to this chapter for a period of not to exceed 45 days, provided that the time for filing the required statement has not already passed when the request is received. No penalty for delinquent payment shall accrue by reason of such extension. Interest shall accrue during the extension at the rate of 0.75% per month, prorated for any portion thereof.
(F) The Tax Administrator shall determine the eligibility of any person who asserts a right to exemption from, or a refund of, the tax imposed by this chapter.
(G) Notwithstanding any provision in this chapter to the contrary, the Tax Administrator may waive any penalty or interest imposed upon a person required to collect and/or remit for failure to collect the tax imposed by this chapter if the non-collection occurred in good faith. In determining whether the non-collection was in good faith, the Tax Administrator shall take into consideration industry practice or other precedence.
(Ord. 07-05, passed 6-5-2007)
(A) It shall be the duty of every person required to collect and/or remit to the city any tax imposed by this chapter to keep and preserve, for a period of at least three years, all records as may be necessary to determine the amount of such tax as he or she may have been liable for the collection of and remittance to the Tax Administrator, which records the Tax Administrator shall have the right to inspect at a reasonable time.
(B) The city may issue an administrative subpoena to compel a person to deliver, to the Tax Administrator, copies of all records deemed necessary by the Tax Administrator to establish compliance with this chapter, including the delivery of records in a common electronic format on readily available media if such records are kept electronically by the person in the usual and ordinary course of business. As an alternative to delivering the subpoenaed records to the Tax Administrator on or before the due date provided in the administrative subpoena, such person may provide access to such records outside the city on or before the due date, provided that such person shall reimburse the city for all reasonable travel expenses incurred by the city to inspect those records, including travel, lodging, meals, and other similar expenses, but excluding the normal salary or hourly wages of those persons designated by the city to conduct the inspection.
(C) The Tax Administrator is authorized to execute a non-disclosure agreement approved by the City Attorney to protect the confidentiality of customer information pursuant to Cal. Revenue and Tax Code §§ 7284.6 and 7284.7.
(D) If a service supplier uses a billing agent or billing aggregator to bill, collect, and/or remit the tax, the service supplier shall:
(1) Provide to the Tax Administrator the name, address and telephone number of each billing agent and billing aggregator currently authorized by the service supplier to bill, collect, and/or remit the tax to the city; and
(2) Upon request of the Tax Administrator, deliver, or effect the delivery of, any information or records in the possession of such billing agent or billing aggregator that, in the opinion of the Tax Administrator, is necessary to verify the proper application, calculation, collection and/or remittance of such tax to the city.
(E) If any person subject to record-keeping under this section unreasonably denies the Tax Administrator access to such records, or fails to produce the information requested in an administrative subpoena within the time specified, then the Tax Administrator may impose a penalty of $500 on such person for each day following:
(1) The initial date that the person refuses to provide such access; or
(2) The due date for production of records as set forth in the administrative subpoena. This penalty shall be in addition to any other penalty imposed under this chapter.
(Ord. 07-05, passed 6-5-2007)
Whenever the amount of any tax has been overpaid or paid more than once or has been erroneously or illegally collected or received by the Tax Administrator under this chapter from a person or service supplier, it may be refunded as provided in this section.
(A) The Tax Administrator may refund any tax that has been overpaid or paid more than once or has been erroneously or illegally collected or received by the Tax Administrator under this chapter from a person or service supplier, provided that no refund shall be paid under the provisions of this section unless the claimant or his or her guardian, conservator, executor, or administrator has submitted a written claim to the Tax Administrator within one year of the overpayment or erroneous or illegal collection of the tax. Such claim must clearly establish claimant’s right to the refund by written records showing entitlement thereto. Nothing herein shall permit the filing of a claim on behalf of a class or group of taxpayers unless each member of the class has submitted a written claim under penalty of perjury as provided by this section.
(B) The filing of a written claim pursuant to Cal. Government Code § 935 is a prerequisite to any suit thereon. Any action brought against the city pursuant to this section shall be subject to the provisions of Cal. Government Code §§ 945.6 and 946. The Tax Administrator, or the City Council where the claim is in excess of $5,000, shall act upon the refund claim within the time period set forth in Cal. Government Code § 912.4. If the Tax Administrator or City Council fails or refuses to act on a refund claim within the time prescribed by Cal. Government § 912.4, the claim shall be deemed to have been rejected by the City Council on the last day of the period within which the City Council was required to act upon the claim as provided in Cal. Government Code § 912.4. The Tax Administrator shall give notice of the action in a form which substantially complies with that set forth in Cal. Government Code § 913.
(C) Notwithstanding the notice provisions of division (A) of this section, a service supplier that has collected any amount of tax in excess of the amount of tax imposed by this chapter and actually due from a service user (whether due to overpayment or erroneous or illegal collection of the tax), may refund such amount to the service user, or credit to charges subsequently payable by the service user to the service supplier, and claim credit for such overpayment against the amount of tax which is due upon any other monthly returns to the Tax Administrator, provided such credit is claimed in a return dated no later than one year from the date of overpayment or erroneous or illegal collection of the tax. The Tax Administrator shall first determine the validity of the service user’s claim of credit, and the underlying basis for such claim.
(D) Notwithstanding the notice provisions of division (A) of this section, in the event that a service supplier remits a tax to city in excess of the amount of tax imposed by this chapter, the service supplier may claim credit for such overpayment against the amount of tax which is due upon any other monthly returns to the Tax Administrator, provided such credit is claimed in a return dated no later than one year from the date of overpayment of the tax. The Tax Administrator shall first determine the validity of the service user’s claim of credit, and the underlying basis for such claim.
(Ord. 07-05, passed 6-5-2007)