§ 10.180.090   Special limitations.
   Sidewalk vendor permits are an interruptible or terminable privilege. The city shall have the right and power, through the City Manager or his or her designee, to prohibit the operation of a stationary vendor stand at any time because of anticipated or actual problems or conflicts in the use of a public area. Such problems and conflicts may arise from, but are not limited to, scheduled festivals and similar events, or parades or marches, or repairs to the street or sidewalk, or from demonstrations or emergencies occurring in the area.
   No sidewalk vendor permits shall be issued for any location: 1) owned by the city other than the pedestrian right-of-way; or 2) the area east of the Union Pacific Railroad, west of O Street, north of (and including) Inyo Avenue and south of (and including) the parcels north of Cross Avenue due to an increased and significant risk of pedestrian and vehicular traffic conflicts in order to preserve public health, safety and welfare.
   This shall not apply to any city-approved events in these areas or to businesses which have obtained a permit under Title 10, Chapter 184.
(Ord. 19-07, passed 11-19-2019; Ord. 2022-05, passed 4-27-2022)