§ 10.168.080   Outdoor assemblies in the R-A Zone District.
   Outdoor assemblies shall comply with the following requirements of this section.
   (A)   A conditional use permit shall be obtained in accordance with the procedures outlined in Chapter 10.116.
   (B)   Applicant shall provide a detailed site plan depicting areas to be used for seating, parking, driveways, open space areas and setbacks.
   (C)   Parking shall be provided at one space per three seats, or if no seats are provided, one space per 40 square feet of area devoted to assembly use. All parking areas shall be improved to include gravel, rock, dust binder or other surfacing material which will mitigate dust. All parking areas shall be maintained to control dust.
   (D)   All outdoor music shall not exceed 65dbA at any property line conterminous with any R-1 Zone District.
   (E)   All public works improvements shall be provided as required by the Public Works Director.
   (F)   No loud speaker may be used for an outdoor assembly that produces sounds which will cause a significant noise impact. An applicant which proposes the use of a loud speaker shall submit a plan to the Planning Commission demonstrating that the use of a loud speaker will not cause significant noise impacts.
   (G)   Property must contain a single-family house which is owner occupied by the applicant/holder of the use permit.
   (H)   Hours of operation shall be limited to 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The Planning Commission may impose additional requirements by restricting the use to certain days of the week.
   (I)   The Planning Commission may require a time limit (sunset clause) on any use permit.
(1995 Code, § 10.168.080) (Ord. 00-1854, passed - -2000)