§ 10.92.100   Development standards.
   The following development standards together with applicable standards specified in this chapter shall apply to all land and structures within the Planned Residential Combining District.
   (A)   Minimum site area: the minimum site area for any planned residential development shall be one acre.
   (B)   Density: the number of dwelling units per acre shall not exceed the density allowed by the Tulare General Plan designation.
   (C)   Height: the maximum height of a structure shall be consistent with the base zone requirements.
   (D)   Lot area, lot dimensions and yards: the minimum lot area, lot dimensions and yard requirements shall be consistent with the base zone unless the Planning Commission grants a modification in order to provide for a development which is consistent with the intent of this district.
   (E)   Average lot size: the average lot size of a residential project under the Planned Residential Zone District shall be that of the minimum lot size of the base zone (e.g., the R-1-7 zone district has a minimum parcel size of 7,000 square feet therefore the average lot size shall be 7,000 square feet). Average lot size shall be calculated by adding the square footage of all lots designated for single-family use and dividing that number by the number of single-family lots.
   (F)   Percentage of lots below minimum parcel size of base zone: the percentage of lots designated for single-family homes that are below the minimum lot size of the base zone shall not be more than 33% of the total lots designated for single-family uses.
   (G)   Lot width: not more than 33% of the single-family residential lots shall have a lot width less than the base zone standard.
   (H)   Lot depth: the minimum lot depth of a single-family residential lot shall not be less than 92 feet; 100 feet for the R-1-12.5, R-1-20 and R-A zone districts.
   (I)   Duplex locations: all duplexes shall be located on corner lots. The front door of each living unit in a duplex shall face a different street. The city may require one duplex for every 20 single-family residential lots contained in the residential development. Duplex units shall have the same setback requirements as adjacent single-family units, except in the case of the side yard between a duplex and single-family unit. This side yard shall be ten feet.
   (J)   Street width: single-family residential subdivisions may have local streets that have a minimum right-of-way width of 56 feet, 36 feet paved width; cul-de-sac streets shall have a minimum right-of-way width of 52 feet, 32 feet paved width.
   (K)   Neighborhood subdivision parks: one lot of not less than average size for every 20 lots within a subdivision shall be dedicated and improved as a neighborhood park unless the Commission finds that a neighborhood park is not necessary because of the location of a community park. Where the Commission finds that a park is not necessary, an in lieu fee shall be paid. The amount of the fee shall be determined by the City Engineer and shall be identified in a subdivision or development agreement.
   (L)   Zero lot line standards:
      (1)   The garages for zero lot line units shall be placed on the lot line.
      (2)   The side yard opposite the zero lot line shall be a minimum of ten feet.
      (3)   The garage shall have a front yard setback that is five feet more than the residential unit.
      (4)   A six-foot fence shall be constructed on the side and rear property lines.
(1995 Code, § 10.92.100) (Ord. 00-1854, passed - -2000)